A face expression is something which costs you nothing but helps you in everything. Cheapest travel tip you can buy!

A bit of theory…

We see how people interact and express each other during a travel. For instance, we get an impression in our mind and we often react over the same. The reaction originates from our mind depending upon the nature of impression, like sometimes we react joyously and sometimes angrily. Such a reaction leaves an impression which reflects back to the person.

Smiling Chandani Chowk Experience in Delhi
At Chandni Chowk, Delhi

I have analysed, that we react quickly and sometimes misbehave after reading a facial expression. Sometimes, when we judge a facial expression, we give space to frustrated thoughts, which get carried away in the reaction and we hurt someone with it. Here’s a Chandni Chowk experience sharing down below.

Chandni Chowk Experience

This morning, while walking down the streets of Chandni Chowk, in Old Delhi along with my friend. We were at Chandni Chowk to explore the ritual colours and enjoy street food of Delhi. My friend recently had an ankle surgery, so he couldn’t walk properly. So, we were walking down the street, where my friend uncertainly stumbled upon by hitting a low height road block. He almost fell but was luckily enough to balance himself.

The Drama

He realised that some small college-going group from back bursts out the laughter, upon sighting him in an awkward posture. It though was embarrassing as well as humiliating, but, my friend didn’t react at all, instead he kept smiling. And a little later, one of the guys from crowd, reached out to us and deeply apologised to my friend. They must have read my friend’s facial expression and were compassionate enough to feel sorry for the crowd. My friend and me felt glad meeting the crowd later on, cracked more jokes, greeted everyone a good luck and cheerfully strolled back on our paths.

Quick Travel Tip

Now, can you imagine how a smiling face flipped the situation around, just by exchanging a facial expression. I couldn’t stop myself to think over it again and again, as how silly we act at times to bully others, of course that can hurt someone-sometime. I’m glad to witness such situations, so wanted to share the Chandni Chowk experience as a travel tip for you at words of wanderers.

Feel free to express your views just by posting comments below, as I am aware of the fact that it will cost you nothing. 🙂